Saturday, October 17, 2009

No time to blog

Really don't have much blogging time lately. Perhaps if I could stay awake past 9:00pm I could do a post or two but that just isn't happening. Brennyn is awake longer than Blair and I.
That girl would sleep in until 9:00am if we let her. I am starting to think she is going to be a night hawk, unlike the rest of us. Blair puts her to bed between 7 and 7:30 but she plays around until at least 8:30. Avery insists that mommy puts her to bed, so that is what we are doing for now.

Speaking of Avery, we're having a few big sister issues (which is not surprising at all). She is just in Brennyn's face constantly, or in our faces. I understand now why people kept telling me that going from one child to two is a major adjustment. They were not lying!

Brennyn still cries a lot around me. Almost more of a whine really. Blair seems to be able to snap her out of it, but around me she just wants to be picked up. I'm thinking she believes that I am the big softy and I will give in. Daddy on the other hand, is serious.
She could be playing perfectly well and then I come in the room and she will start to cry/whine/want to picked up, etc.
Anyone else have this happen???

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