Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Out of the mouth of babes

I have to write down some of the things Avery has been saying lately before I forget them. It may already be too late the way my mind has been working lately (or not working).

I asked Avery how I looked in my outfit one day and this was her response "um mom, you don't look very stylish". Sorry kid, I never was.

"Mom, we are missing a kid here, where's that other kid".

After I told her she was wise beyond her years. "I know mom, I am wise behind my ears".

After she played Mahjong for the first time "I have skills mom".

Avery has also very kindly taught her sister to say "mom bum".

Did I mention that she is cheeky?
As she runs over her sister on the little bike she likes to tell me "oh sorry, didn't see her".
When taking away some cherished item (even her Franklin books) from Avery when she has been especially naughty she usually says "that's okay mom, I don't want that right now anyway".

Gee, I wonder why I'm falling asleep by 9:00pm. These girls keep me on my toes. Don't they look so sweet and innocent in their pictures (and they are for the most part). The funny thing about Avery is that she is so shy when we are out in public that people don't believe she could be capable of doing some of her past escapades.

1 comment:

  1. My goodness, Avery is hilarious!!! Cracked me right up!

    Lilah is big into 'boobies' at the moment, so don't feel so bad about the bum thing!

