Monday, February 28, 2011

Life of a 5 year old

A few pics from Avery's birthday weekend. She looked like she had so much fun, and she did! The make your own pizzas and the Pinata were both a hit with the kids, and I don't think I need to even mention how excited they were about the ice cream cake. Not so sure all the candy and cake was such a hit with the parents, but it's all about the kids right?


  1. If Lilah sees that cake she's gonna want it!!! She LOVES Franklin.

    Happy 5th Birthday sweet Avery. I see you like buzz lightyear too. :) Here's to a day of candy and cake! Who cares what the parents think!!


  2. PS - I love how big Brennyn is grinning in that last photo. :) Her hair is beautiful.

  3. Glad she had a great time! Happy Birthday again Avery!
