Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter 2011

The Easter Bunny left us a lot of chocolate and candy, even though Mommy broke into his secret stash the day before, shhhh.

I was just reviewing my pictures and I realized how grown up Avery is starting to look. It seems like yesterday she was a baby!

Avery finally has her Buzz

Her Aunt took her to Toys R US and what did they see, but Avery's dream toy on sale. That night, her Dad took her to the store, armed with Avery's money (okay, so she only had enough for half) and she bought her Buzz.

She hasn't let go of him since, and she told her aunt "I'm going to marry Buzz"

Packing time

Can you tell I'm procrastinating. Suitcase is almost packed, but the house still needs a little cleaning before we leave.
I'm going to miss my girls so much, but we are in need of some grown up time. We haven't had much time to connect these days, Blair's working a lot and to be honest, most of my time is focused on the girls.

The girls are super excited to spend a week with Grandpa and Grandma, Nana and Poppa. I think they are ready to pack our suitcases for us!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter

Full of ham, potatoes and chocolate (and maybe a little wine). Easter Bunny is about to make his appearance. The girls are both so excited. Brennyn has been talking about the Easter Bunny`s arrival all day. Both girls also enjoyed having the grandparents and Aunty Andrea over for dinner, so much attention!!

Avery told me all about the story of Jesus the other day. I`m the only non-catholic in our family of 4, so she is so excited to explain everything to me. She was telling me about how these 2 men really didn`t like Jesus, and they were very mean. Lot`s of people really liked Jesus and those men were jealous. Jesus died, and went into a cave. Then, Jesus taught some ladies how to fish! That`s the Easter story according to Avery.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

picture time again

Last day of indoor soccer for Avery.
Evidence of where I found Brennyn one day (she thinks our closet is her special room).
Speaking of evidence, a little monkey has used my camera again. Actually, she got a cute shot of her sister (wearing my tank top as her "wrestling costume").

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Long day at Sick Kid's today. Brennyn was so good, such a boring day for her but she managed to charm the nurse, doctor and genetic counsellor in seconds.
Her finger has healed nicely (we saw the physiotherapist first in the morning) and she no longer needs to use her splint. Looks like her next hand surgery will be in the fall sometime, we meet with the surgeon and physiotherapist again in June.

I think we're done with the genetics department for now, we have the answers we were seeking, and have been referred to a few more specialists all at Sick Kids (dentist, optometrist and dermatologist).

Sunday, April 17, 2011

We received another letter from China last week. Only, this time it was written by someone different. This letter came from another cousin (Avery's birth father's niece).
I really don't know what to think about this. There is a chance that I am too suspicious but this letter did mention something that caused me to hesitate.
I have e-mailed the original letter's author (who I believe is related to Avery's birth mother, but that's just a guess). I haven't heard back, however I am aware that e-mail in China is not always received.

I am not suspicious in any way of Avery's birth family. I am just wary of this "cousin". I am grateful that these people are reaching out to us (to Avery). To me, they feel like distant relatives, like your second cousin you don't see very often. I want them to be a part of Avery's life, after all, they gave her a beginning. I am the one who wants to thank them, although they have thanked us. Thank-you isn't the right word, I can't really find the words to describe how I feel.

I am also discovering that some of the initial information we were given by the searcher may have been incorrect. I believe now that Avery was the only child given up for adoption. I also know that her family misses her so much, and that's all I feel comfortable saying on a public blog.

We are at the stage with Avery right now where she does not want to discuss adoption at all (whether I'm talking about my adoption, her adoption or Brennyn's adoption). She even says "mom, I don't want to talk about this anymore".
I know that I went through that stage as well. Okay, so I went through that stage for about 10 years, but that's just the way I am. I was one of those kids who didn't want to tell anyone I was adopted and I certainly did not want to discuss it in detail. We did discuss adoption though, but not all the time.
I just don't want to push Avery too much, but I also want her to feel as comfortable as possible about talking to us.
It's also difficult to know if I'm projecting how I feel about adoption onto my daughters. For me, my parent's are my mom and dad. Yet, I am so happy about finding Avery's birth family and I want for her to be comfortable with this revelation. I still haven't really searched out my birth family (gave up after a month of half hearted searching).
Sometimes, wearing too many hats can be confusing (adoptee, adoptive parent, mom).

Friday, April 15, 2011

Sears Great Canadian Run

I'm thinking about joining my running group in this cross country relay race. It's for such an important cause and I think the challenge will be, um interesting is a good word. They already have one team ready to go, but I am going to join the second team.

The only thing that frightens me is the fund raising. I've never done any kind of fundraising in my life, and as a team, we have to raise $5000.00.

Here is the link:
Hmm, I don't know why my links never work on here.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kindergarten open house

It's official, Brennyn had her orientation/welcome to Kindergarten evening last week. Avery was so proud to show her little sister to the gym at her school for the big event. It seems like there is going to be a lot more boys in Brennyn's class (Avery's class is 14 girls and 4 boys).
Poor Brennyn did manage to fall off one of the kid chairs and hit her lip on the table. If they didn't know us at the school before, they do now! She was okay and back to playing with the playdo after a few minutes (once her lip stopped bleeding).
She's so excited to go to school in September. Unfortunately, Avery still isn't loving school. Everyday she says she doesn't like school and shouldn't have to go. I really hope next year is better for her!

I guess the kindergarten evening was really exhausting because while I was getting a before bed snack for Avery, Brennyn wandered upstairs to her bed and passed out cold!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Beautiful Day

I'm afraid to say it out loud, but I think Spring is finally here in SW Ontario. It was such a beautiful day.
Started the morning with a 15km run, while Aunty Andrea watched the girls. Spent the afternoon outside while the girls played with their sidewalk chalk, and took a walk/bike ride to the park.
Avery is rocking her bike, I think she is ready to lose those training wheels!

I always forget how much I love spring, and living in Ontario. I couldn't give up the 4 seasons, even if one of them is winter!

Brennyn really likes her Cinderella doll, she even went into the bathroom cupboard to get some blue gloves like Cinderella (Daddy's work gloves that I use for cleaning). The doll was given to her from her big buddy at Teddy Bear school (for Christmas) and Brennyn hasn't let go of Cinderella since.

Avery, on the other hand, is loving her Dad's old cell phone. Good thing it has no battery or she'd be calling everyone, everywhere.

Monday, April 4, 2011

We finally have contact with Avery's birth family. I received the most beautiful and emotional letter a month ago.
I am so happy that we were somehow able to find her birth family last year, mostly by luck. Even if all we have are some pictures and this letter, I will be beyond happy (it should go without saying that I hope that Avery will have a lifetime of contact with her birth family, but I don't know what the future holds or how they are going to feel about that).

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Had to break it to Avery today that Superman, Batman and the other superheroes are not real.
We were reading her library book, a super friends book (she is really into Star Wars learn to read books or justice league/super friends) and Avery mentioned that Mr Freeze wasn't real (he's the Villain for those of you not acquainted with this genre). I said yes, but you do know that the super heroes aren't real too right? Oh, the look she gave me. Like I broke her little heart.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Woke up at 5:30 this morning to hysterical laughter coming from Brennyn's room. Turns out, she was fast asleep. Must have been a great dream!