Thursday, May 19, 2011

Avery's class is going to the Elmvale zoo in a few weeks. The note came home in her backpack yesterday asking for parent volunteers. Avery, who really does not handle change well, found out that she has to go to school for the whole day (she normally only goes half days every day) and bring a lunch.

Avery also found out that Mommy is unable to go on the school trip because Brennyn has an appointment with the pediatric dentist at Sick Kids on that day.

Most children would be so excited about visiting a zoo.
Avery, on the other hand, was not a happy camper. "I'm not going to the zoo, I'm not bringing my lunch. I don't go to school for the whole day, I always come home at lunch time".

Avery is a routine kind of girl, and this trip is throwing her off. She is more worried about having to bring her lunch (she's never had to bring a lunch before). She would rather go to sick kids and sit around all afternoon while her sister waits for her appointment.

It would have been so much easier if I could have volunteered to go with her class, but that can't happen this time (rescheduling Sick Kids appointments really aren't an option). I really want to volunteer at my children's school, but lately, every opportunity has coincided with a doctors visit. It's so hard for a 5 year old to understand why her sister has to see so many different doctors!

Unfortunately for Avery, her mean mommy is going to make her go to the zoo!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes we have to give our wee birds a little push outta the nest :)
    Ava has a zoo trip too. *sigh* I am more worried about them losing her then her not wanting to go ! haha
