Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Birthday (a day late)

Happy Birthday to my hard working, busy, busy husband! We love you so much that when pick Swiss Chalet as your special birthday dinner we will go with a smile on our faces. Okay, so the girl's smiles are geniune because they love to go out for dinner, mine may be a little forced, lol!
You are a great daddy and your girls adore you.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Like everyone else, I am horrified and heartsick over the recent school shooting. My children are the same age as most of those poor innocent babies. They were babies, their lives had just begun.
I just feel so very sorry for all the families who have lost loved ones in such an unfair, unfathomable way. It's just not fair.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Don't you wish you could fix everything

I was brushing Brennyn's teeth this evening and I noticed that her front tooth looked chipped, so I made an error in judgement and said "oh dear, I think you have lost a piece of your tooth". Brennyn's teeth are very fragile, and they have a different shape (part of her syndrome).
Usually this would not be an issue, Brennyn just laughs everything off or doesn't seem to notice.
Tonight was not one of those nights. My little girl burst into hysterical, big sobbing tears and said "I just want to be like everyone else".
Broke my heart! I tried to explain that we want her to be who she is, and we love her so very much, but it is hard for her. She is at an age where the children notice her hands, her skin and her teeth. I can't make all that go away, but I can try my best to be there for her and let her cry sometimes.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tis the season where I work many hours, therefore no time to blog. Have to say that B is not adjusting to the "mommy working" thing very well (even though it is seasonal). Decline in behaviour is very obvious (plus she did spell it out when she said "I don't like it when you go to work", lol).

Although, both girls have already told me that they like Daddy's dinners better. Hmm, could it be because his staples are pizza, fish sticks and homemade french fries. At least they are spending some good Daddy/daughter time together and having some fun!