Sunday, February 5, 2012

Meet the teacher

We met with Avery's teacher last week. She is very pleased with Avery, and mentioned how bright Avery is (we knew that, but we are kind of biased, ha ha).
The only concern (which we were going to bring up, but she beat us to it) is that Avery is so shy with the other kids.
It's gotten to the point that if the kids are playing on one side of the room, Avery will go to the other side and play a puzzle or something on her own.
Even when someone does say hi or ask Avery a question, Avery ignores them.
It's heartbreaking!
We explained to the teacher that when Avery is at home with friends she is a whole different person, laughing, bossy, etc. Yet, at soccer, gymnastics or school she will not say a word to another kid.
She will answer the teacher no problem but not interact with the kids.
The teacher even mentioned anxiety, and she may be correct.
We are at a loss. The more of a big deal we make, the more Avery seems to go out of her way to not talk.
We just want her to be happy at school!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, poor sweetie. Lilah's teacher mentioned soemthing about her being quiet too, I just can't imagine it!!

