Friday, March 9, 2012

Sometimes we underestimate our children. Oh, I know, we all think our kids are the smartest/cutest/funniest, etc. However, perhaps we don't always really give them enough credit.

In our situation, my sweet, carefree, happy-go-lucky youngest child is not always as she appears.
I'll be the first to say that of course she isn't always this way, she has a temper like any kid and if she is tired, I mean really tired, she will revert to her behaviours from when we first met her in China (not to the same scale, mind you).

At bed-time a few nights ago, as I turned to leave her room, her little voice asked me about her birth mother. "Whose tummy did I grow in Mommy"? "I know she lives in China, but where"? I had to explain how I don't know who she is, or where she lives in China.
Brennyn said "But you know Avery's birth mommy, so why can't you find my birth mom"? Very, difficult questions to answer, but I tried. What can a parent say, other than the truth. I don't know who her birth mother is. We are trying to search, but it's not going to be easy.

Brennyn has such an innocence about her, so much so that people think she isn't paying attention, or doesn't understand things. She can put two and two together no problem, she knows what's going on. I think people underestimate this girl, and they are going to be very surprised by what she can and will do.

1 comment:

  1. Aww. What a heavy question. I know you did an amazing job answering her honestly.

