Thursday, April 12, 2012

I will admit that I am a worrier, always have been and can't see that personality trait changing anytime soon. I worry about being a good mom, I worry about my daughter's medical syndrome, I worry about what to make for dinner, I worry that my daughter is too shy and the other one is too outgoing, I worry that I am too shy, I worry that I don't have a great career and should go back to school, I could go on. Most of all I worry that I am making the right choices for my children. I know that I can't control everything in their lives, and they are going to be the people they are no matter what. Sometimes I wonder if Avery is getting overlooked a little. Brennyn requires a little more attention, it's just the way it is unfortunately. Brennyn has to go to sick kids every few months to visit one specialist or another. She needs a little more help getting dressed some days (and it has nothing to do with her syndrome or missing finger, it's just Miss Brennyn). I imagine this is a common event in the life of a child who has a sibling with a special need (and I dislike typing that phrase because it feels like a label), but it doesn't make it right. I am going to have to make an effort to spend a little more one on one time with Avery. I think we take it for granted that she is so self sufficient. She has always acted more mature for her age (in some ways, not in the anger management department, lol).

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