Saturday, November 10, 2012


We are still waiting on the results of Brennyn's developmental/behavioural testing. This has been a very, very long process. Unfortunately, we have had to take a break from seeing the private psychologist for a month or two (partly because of the cost, not just her fees, but add the parking and the hour and half drive). She did give us some very helpful insight, and ideas so we are working on those.

Brennyn's teacher left us a message a few weeks ago letting us know that B was doing so much better this year (same teacher as last year who thought perhaps Brennyn had mild autism, etc.).
We are still concerned about how Brennyn will do next year when she is in school full time, but I guess we will cross that bridge next year! Still hoping we get some feedback from the infant and child development team. We know she did great on the actual testing, just not sure what all the behavioural forms we filled out will reveal.
B has come so far, she is counting to 100, and can even read a few words (she is in SK). As I have mentioned before, she still has trouble sitting still and does get distracted. We think her classroom many be a little too stimulating for her (it's very large, but only 20 students, and bright).

Our biggest concerns are also some of the quirks we love so much about her. She is the happiest kid, and overly friendly (yes, we know this is an attachment issue), she cares about everyone so much.
At the same time, we have to watch her all the time. She has always been curious and still is (stuck a chopstick in our electrical outlet, and yes we were in the next room, just never thought she would do that).
She is the type of child who normally would not run across the street because she knows that you have to watch for cars, yet still she has done it (saw Grandma and ran to her, another time it was her sister that she saw).
She also sits too close to kids, really doesn't understand the concept of personal space, and loves to touch everyone and everything.

The best way to sum this up is that Brennyn is 5 years old, but she is still 3 emotionally and behaviourally (she is also tall, and people seem to think she is the older sister). Yet, she is right on track when it comes to actual school work.
Honestly, everyone who meets B, loves her (how can you not).

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