Monday, February 22, 2010

Met with the local community group for a Chinese New Year celebration yesterday. It's hard to believe that Blair and I first went to one of these occasions 5 years ago, or was it 6?? The girls have grown up, some even entering the teenage years. Kind of makes you feel old. It looks like Brennyn will be the youngest in the group, most of the families who were logged in for their first/second child have switched programs or dropped out.

Speaking of Brennyn, wow that girl gives me a workout. I think I've mentioned this about 500 times, she is just the total opposite of Avery. I am beginning to think Blair and I were spoiled by Avery when she was a toddler. Oh sure, she had her massive meltdowns and temper but not when we were out in public (okay there was the one time at the grocery store, but I digress). Avery always stuck by my side no matter what. Brennyn, well unless she is in the process of eating, she is exploring. By exploring, I mean running around like a maniac. Yes people, I am one of those horrible parents whose child misbehaves. The horror!
I was so uptight with Avery, now not so much. Yes, I do get embarrassed, but that's just my personality. Heaven forbid someone thinks something bad about me. Honestly, I've had no choice but to relax a bit. This is who my child is. She is stubborn (they both are, as am I), curious, loving (she can be so cuddly), independent, curious, inquisitive, curious, outgoing, I could go on and on.
This little girl has been through so much in her life already, overcome serious challenges with many more to come. She is a fighter!

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