Thursday, June 17, 2010

Test results are in. It's a match, 99.99%. The pictures told the story way before the test results.
Never in a million years did I think this would be possible. I feel so lucky to have some answers for one of my daughters.
At least she won't always wonder "what did they look like"? Maybe that would not have been a question in her mind, but it was always in the back of mine as I grew up.


  1. Welcome to the club :-) btw--I am thinking of starting a new group for those of us in the know. Very private. Jane's (imo) is a joke and honestly, I don't like someone running it who is not in our situation and who also uses stories for profit. Let me know if you are interested.

    There is no adequate word, but I am happy for you in the knowledge.

  2. Yes I am very interested Wendy. I have joined 2 groups, but they aren't the right fit (I'm sure you've seen my post).

    Thanks again!

  3. I hope to be able to do the same for my girls. So far I haven't made much progress...

  4. I AM SO SO thrilled for you and your daughter too.

    But please please, I beg you, how did you find out this information? Only contact I know is Brian Stu.

    colin.jill.meaklim (at)

    Jill :)
