Sunday, September 26, 2010

My girls

Took the girls out tonight for an Autumn Moon Festival get-together, a little solo parenting (Blair was working). I was wondering how this evening would go, 2 kids, buffet style restaurant, you can imagine my apprehension.
The girls surprised me. They both sat at a table with some other kids, without mommy. Okay, I did try and make Brennyn sit with me, but she wanted "sit with sister". Avery insisted on helping Brennyn and told me to go sit on my own "I'm the big sister mom, I can watch her you know". Who am I to argue with that? They were both so grown up.
I do find it fascinating to watch their different personalities. They are like night and day, these two and I love it.
Brennyn is so curious, she just cannot sit still for very long. People to see, things to touch and exploring to be done. Avery prefers to watch, and she does not miss a thing. She is one smart little cookie!
However, once she sees little sister having fun and running around, she must join in.
I was explaining to Avery that all the kids at the party were also adopted from China. She looked at me and said "no mom, not all the kids". I was thinking, hmm maybe she still doesn't understand this yet and she said "Katie isn't born in China Mooooom" Right she was, Katie is the big sister of one of Avery's friends who was born in China.

1 comment:

  1. I think you got the perfect personalities and in the perfect order too. One shy, one outgoing, they both help each other out.

    Smart indeed. I am teaching Lilah what the word 'adopted' at the moment. She doesn't get it yet though. Love Avery's come back. :)

