Brennyn is changing so quickly and growing up before my eyes. Avery is too, but we notice it more in Brennyn just because she started out so behind. The first thing people comment on is her speech. She has caught up to where a 3 year old should be. Yes, some words are difficult to understand still (to an outsider) but for the most part, she is there.
Yesterday, Avery had a massive temper tantrum (yes, she may be turning 5 in a month, but let's just say she has a very strong will and I don't foresee temper tantrums disappearing anytime soon). Anyhoo, I put (dragged) Avery to her time out spot with Brennyn running behind us asking "Avery, what's wrong". "Avery don't cry, what's wrong". "Mommy, you no put Avery in time-out, she's crying". I would have been laughing if I wasn't so busy dealing with Miss Avery. Brennyn was so concerned about Avery, and Avery finally yelled at Brennyn to just leave her alone (see above statement about temper).
Brennyn is also suddenly in to hugging. She wants to hug all her friends when it's time to leave teddy bear school. I told her that all her friends don't always want hugs so she should ask them first. Brennyn looked at me like I was crazy and said "I don't kiss, just hug mommy" (as if that made all the difference). She said "I only kiss mommy, oh and Daddy".
It will be very interesting to see how Brennyn does at school next year. I hope she has the same teacher as Avery does this year. That teacher will be in for a surprise since Avery hardly ever talks at school or plays with any of the other kids. Brennyn wants to play with everyone and everything all the time. Avery is okay with not playing with the other kids, she doesn't think it's a big deal. She's into her own thing. It's my fault for always making a big deal about it. I was always shy in school but I didn't have a problem talking with kids I knew. I would never speak to the teacher though, whereas Avery has no problems answering questions. I think she just doesn't feel comfortable with the other kids. She won't talk to her bus driver either though, so who knows. I'm really hoping she grows out of it eventually.
Her teacher did mention that Avery seems very bright (which I've always known, not just because I'm her mom or anything and I'm biased) so I wonder if she feels like the other kids aren't on her level?? I know, I'm so reading too much into this. I have a tendency to over analyze everything.
As I've said before, I struggle with being shy and I don't wish that particular struggle on my child. However, I should also know how much it used to bother me that my mother would make such a big deal about my shyness. It never helped me when she would try and force me to not be so shy. You would think I would know better to not do the same with Avery.