Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Birth Family

I don't talk about this publicly much. I do belong to a few private chat groups, but really there aren't many families with the same situation.
I sent a package (letter and pictures) to Avery's birth parents, in October (or was it September, time is going so quickly I can't keep track). I haven't received a response and am now wondering if they even received the letter. I had everything translated to Mandarin, including the address but I failed to include a self-addressed envelope to make it easier for them to send something back.

I really would like to maintain contact with Avery's birth family and I do plan on a homeland visit with the girls within the next 5 years. I would very much like to meet Avery's birth family when we return to China. I'm just hoping they feel the same way. I assume they do, since they made it fairly easy to find them (there was an obvious trail).

My other concern is that I don't think we will ever find Brennyn's birth family. I just hope she doesn't feel slighted because we did find Avery's. Unfortunately, Brennyn was left at a major hospital in a huge transient city. Yes, she does have distinguishing features but her birth family could have been from anywhere in China. Brennyn is also not Han Chinese, and I am beginning to suspect that she may be of mixed race. It's difficult to determine this because Brennyn also has some genetic issues that may be affecting her features as well.
The genetic issues are also what make me wish that we could find her birth family. We would be so far ahead of the game if we had some genetic information (an indirect quote from the genetic doctor). It's out of my hands, as much as that pains me.

We are very lucky to have found the information about Avery's birth family, and I am so very thankful. I live in the same province as my birth mother and even have a name but still have not found her (didn't really try, but that's besides the point). It is amazing to me that Avery was born in this small village, half way around the world and we now have pictures of her birth family and their house. Perhaps I should just be thankful for that.


  1. The waiting is so hard. The mail system has been a bit on the slow side, but I am wondering if they just do not have a clue who to write the envelope to get it back to you. If they only list it in Chinese you will not receive it; if they are rural, only in English and you may not receive it. I would try again, just send the contact information a second time (make the envelope yourself with both) along with $10 or $20 to cover any costs--you can also get yuan via mail if you would rather send that.

    Good luck!

  2. I agree with Wendy. I would try again and send some money over with an adressed envelope.

    I wish you had more information for Brennyn's sake too. It is truly a gift that your have found Avery's birth family. I gotta contact Brian and see what he can do for us.

